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Main » 2010 » January » 30
When you're an adult suffering from acne, you probably wonder what about your lifestyle you could change to get rid of the pesky red bumps. After all, you're not in puberty anymore, so why are you still plagued with acne? Regardless of your age, you can still be prone to acne breakouts, especially if you suffered from acne as a child. But once you understand the causes of adult acne, you can better understand how to go about conquering the red plague of zits.

Some causes of adult acne are as follows:

1. Stress
2. Caffeine
3. Hormonal activity within your body
4. Irritating clothing, such as wool, hats, acrylic, nylon, etc.
5. Hormone injections, such as the ones found in grocery store milk and meat
6. Excess oil
7. Excess washing or scrubbing
8. Not keeping hands away from face

These are just some of the causes of adult acne that might be plagueing your skin. But in reality, there could be dozens of reasons. But regardless of ... Read more »

Category: ARTICLES | Views: 1031 | Added by: hariscash | Date: 2010-01-30 | Comments (0)

Are you affected by blemishs and zits on your back, shoulders, arms or other bits of your body? If yes, then there is nothing to worry as you can get rid of body acne simply. All you need to do is take a little more care of your skin. These are some simple skin care tips that will help you deal with body acne in the best demeanour.
The first and the most vital thing you need to do to deal with body acne is keep your skin clean. Employ a gentle cleanser that doesn't be irritating to your skin. Standard bar soaps are not recommended for cleaning body acne as they contain harsh ingredients, which will irritate the skin further. Also, it is suggested that you go in for body cleaner instead of using facial cleansing agents.
If you are impacted by body acne; usage of body scrubs and loofahs is a complete no-no for you. As you scrub your skin hard ; likelihood of acne breakout increase manifolds. Scrubbing can irritate the difficulty of inflammation of pimples and zits. It might ... Read more »
Category: ARTICLES | Views: 755 | Added by: hariscash | Date: 2010-01-30 | Comments (0)

An acne problem is not a problem, so long as you know wise acne skin care tips. One does need much money to get that healthy glowing skin, with the natural acne skin care methods, acne shouldn't be treated like monsters under your bed. Here are some acne skin care methods we can practice.

The power of water. Oil, they say is thicker than water. But water is the plainest, most natural substance we can use for acne skin care. In washing your face, do it gently. Rubbing and scrubbing your face does not clean the skin gently. For best acne skin care effects, using a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning, noon and evening, and after doing a heavy work out, will help you achieve a clear skin.

Pick that zit. People who prick pimples and blemishes as if pricking a bubble only aggravates the risk of skin inflammation and acne scars. Avoid hand contact with your face for better acne skin care results.

Shave with care. Choose the best electric shavers and safety razors you can tr ... Read more »

Category: ARTICLES | Views: 889 | Added by: hariscash | Date: 2010-01-30 | Comments (0)

«  January 2010  »
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