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Main » 2010 » January » 30 » These Are Some Ways To Treat Body Acne
10:01 PM
These Are Some Ways To Treat Body Acne
Are you affected by blemishs and zits on your back, shoulders, arms or other bits of your body? If yes, then there is nothing to worry as you can get rid of body acne simply. All you need to do is take a little more care of your skin. These are some simple skin care tips that will help you deal with body acne in the best demeanour.
The first and the most vital thing you need to do to deal with body acne is keep your skin clean. Employ a gentle cleanser that doesn't be irritating to your skin. Standard bar soaps are not recommended for cleaning body acne as they contain harsh ingredients, which will irritate the skin further. Also, it is suggested that you go in for body cleaner instead of using facial cleansing agents.
If you are impacted by body acne; usage of body scrubs and loofahs is a complete no-no for you. As you scrub your skin hard ; likelihood of acne breakout increase manifolds. Scrubbing can irritate the difficulty of inflammation of pimples and zits. It might also increase the probabilities of acne breakouts and this can so worsen the situation. Use of body brushes too ; may result in such adversary effects.
If you are making an attempt to shed body acne; take a hot water bath. As you soak yourself in the hot water ; dead epidermis cells on your body loosens up and hence get simply removed. It also helps to get rid of any blockage as present in the pores of the skin. Such hot water bath fastens the acne healing process. Also it is said of as a better option to standing in the shower. This is because when you stand in a shower the water tends to hit you at a fast. This can irritate the skin and thus can aggravate the skin condition further.
If you have body acne; you can also make use of OTC anti acne products. To fix the problem effectively you need to exercise caution in buying the product. It's critical more

because the majority of the products in the market attempt to treat facial acne. It's so not mandatory that that these products will work equally well for body acne. So if need to nurse your body acne; it is advisable that you employ products that are meant absolutely for treating body acne.
If you are suffering from acne; watch out your clothing. The sort of clothing that you wear can raise your probability of afflicted with acne. As the clothes rub against the skin; the condition of acne becomes worse. So it is a smart decision that you wear light fabrics like cotton. Such fabrics are breathable and fragile for your skin. Even if they rub against the skin; they don't cause any skin irritation. On the other hand if you use synthetic fibers; your acne condition becomes worse. Wearing very tight fitting clothing too increases problem as they have an inclination to trap moisture which is deleterious to acne.
At the end, take good after of your skin and you have won 1/2 of the war on body acne.

Category: ARTICLES | Views: 755 | Added by: hariscash | Tags: HEALTHY TIPS, BODY ACNE, ACNE | Rating: 0.0/0
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